Saturday 28 November 2020

The Digital Age (11 July 2017)

Everything is digital and I'm sick of it. Present company accepted obviously, but I am. Music, text, whatsapp, searches videos, image searches.
I am going to stop Facebook for a while.. see if that helps my foul mood.
What else is conttributing?
Feeling emotional about no.2 starting school in September. Very very emotional and teary at times. It's the end of an era. He is so ready. I am so ready. And yet I'm sat here with tears in my eyes and a big lump in my throat...I've done it. Seven years of putting them totally first. Trying to cope with work, my MS, and being a mum, sorting out all no.2's medical appointments and needs as well as my own, making sure school stuff is always correct - I've only missed non uniform day once (!!) And it just seems to have reached a climax this year and this year is finishing next week..,,,, things are going to be easier...... less pressure....and I'm going to miss him so unbelievably much. 

My littlest.

How lifes seasons change. (28 Apriil 2017).

Day off, so sat  at the Drs waiting room again. Across the other side of the room was a new mum, and her tiny little one. I know she was a new mum, because of the way she held and gazed into her baby's face. A second time mum would be half asleep, enjoying the 5 mins quiet wait.
I was once there. I remember, it's all encompassing.
Watching, I realised, through the passage of time and choices we've made or things that have happened beyond our control, I was in a completely different place. How did I get here?
Last night we put to bed a bolshy 7year old in a heap of trouble and an upset 4 year old. There was no staring into eyes lovingly, although I did lie with them and  talk, once things had calmed down,
My visits to the Dr are now much more likely to be for me and my MS rather than a snuffly baby worry.
Where has the time gone? How have I changed from a new mum who questions each tiny noise, to a working mum of 2, with MS, struggling to keep abreast of medical appointments, managing medication, on top of managing what every mum manages at home, washing, food menus, food shopping, tidying, school bags done, homeworks done, partys attended. I go to a training session once a week which has helped me amazingly with my physical strength and balance, but apart from this, I cant remember the last time I did something for me. If I manage to get a couple of hrs at the weekend, I spend it trying to catch up with work.
My husband has balance. He travels to and from work alone, no kids, alone with his own thoughts. He goes biking, probably not as much as he'd like, but he goes. I don't have thinking space, let alone doing space. 
And then I end up moaning like this, and wonder when I changed. Life is full. But sometimes it seems so full that I wonder where that mum went, spending hours just staring into her babies eyes,  lost in thought, wondering, day dreaming. 
Then I just cry.
Then stop, as life goes on and I need to go and sort myself out before I go to bed.

Mini Egg before breakfast anyone? (12 Aprul 2017)

Before I got up no.1 was sat in time out, and I had exhausted the ways I coulfd ask him to stop calling no.2 an idiot, and told him to shut up. Horrible.
Sat in bed, wishing I could pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.... oh I have to get up.
Eventually got both dressed and breakfasted, no. 2 in the car, no. 1 refused....he refused to get out when we reached town too.
Exhausted, not even done anything!
Town successful once we got in, park, less so, we lasted 10 mins. As I said to the bloke who took our parking space, as I passed him our parking ticket,...,.we paid for ages,  then we had a tantrum, so are going home.
Got home, no.1 refused to get out the car, next door smiling at me as I explained to him I would get into a lot of trounle if I left him to die in a hot car.
5 min break, shutting myself in the front room, with a chocolate and phoning my mum, whilst waiting for each boy to sit where I had asked and wait quietly for me to talk to them about thair behaviour,
Holiday? Really.

And they're off......(27 March 2017)

5.54, 3 minutes beofire my alarm goes off.,...
"Mummy!" I rush in..."I've wet my bed!"
Ok. Strip bed, strip child, Put wet stuff in wash pile (which is already massive).
Shower child off, dress in dry pjs. Tell him to get inro bed with the other half, who until this point is oblivious to anything.
Have the chance to go to the loo. Get warm top on so I can go down and have breakfast. My only alone time of the day.
" Can I come too mum?"
Sort breakfast for me and him. Realise tomorrow is the only day of the weekend a shop can be delivered, so put one in.
Get eldest up, make sure both have pile of clothes to put on, Make sure youngest has correct clothes for forest school and no. 1 has dress up clothes for charity day, and warmer ones if he gets cold. Cream no, 2. Dress him.
Send boys downstairs, call down to make sure other half is giving them breakfast, yes, thankyou, good,  loo, shower quuckly and dress,
Make sure book has been signed piano practice done.
"TEETH!" Find no. 1 doing no.2's teeth. ♥
Forgot football. Send no, 1 up to get football kit, He does, but throws it in hall. Make sure it, along with boots are in bag.
Fill waterbottle, look out money for chariy day.
Final trip to bathroom, My teeth, hair wet scraped back, no time for makeup.,,
"Put shoes and coat on NOW, " Unfortunately I don't think I said please,...,

Put yourself first...(8 March 2017)

The hardest thing in the world for me, and I know for many mums out there. But some mums manage it, without guilt, and are happier, more contented, better mums for it. But how do they do it?
Finding stuff difficult at the mo. Work isnt great. To be honest thats taken two big hits in recent years. Returning from matrrnity leave no. 2 its never held the same position in my life. And my friend leaving for promotion, whilst I was making mobility and access changes to my role, was just a reality check/ kick in the teeth really.
Medical appointments  coming thick and fast, and physically feeling I really need them is hard.
Trying to put those 2 things out of my mind, no, 1 is the kids. " You do too much".
Maybe I'm just hiding behind it a bit, so I dont complain too much, or try not to over think the me stuff. But perhaps I need to...

Spring (10 Feb 2017)

I see a theme here. Anyway....
Youngest wasnt great the night before last, His night was fisturbed, so my night was disturbed.  Last night was worse. Chatting til very late last night - life is full on at the mo...then youngest awake with temp af 12.30. I could have / should have slept til he woke again at 5. But I never sleep well when they are unwell, hear every turn, every snuffle in the next room. Every 'Mummy!' Is heard instantly. Anyway, then up with the alarm at 5.57.
Youngest still has temp and 'feels sick'. More calpol and nursery it is then. If he really is ill, being called home from work is better than not going to start with....
Both boys ready, shoes on, coats.....I'm going to be sick! And sure enough, he was.
Cue calls, to work, other half, so he can get home betimes to take eldest to football - can't miss it, Quickly get tub for further sick, if it appears and bundle boys into car..... the sooner the car ride happens after sick, the less likley sick will actually happen in the new car! !
No sick, Noel to childminder. Next to set lessons, accompanied by youngest who seems fine after calptol and throwing up once. Lesson set...and, relax!
No more sick appeared, lots of sleep, and a very high temp made for a cuddly day on the sofa. Able to reflect on spring.
Although its snowing, it felt like spring today. Positive, I lay and cuddled my sleeping child, dosing and enioying, knowing that I should be making the most of this special time and for once, not feeling as though I should get up and do jobs. When I dropped Noel off this morming I walked across the road with ease, not stiff, not jolty, not unbalanced, normally. All the work I am doing with H is really making a difference. And now I am sat quietly while the youngest sleeps and D is at football with the oldest. Cup of coffee in my hand.  For a moment the stars are alined. Spring. Positive.

Christmas! (28 Dec 2016)

So, lead up to Christmas, youngest said his knee hurt. Yes, it'll be fine, i say. Woken the next morning by him screaming in pain, cannot stand.
Bad mother alert, I think as I ring for a Dr appointment. Got an appointment at 9am. No time to have breakfast, just dress and go. Cue moaning and complaining from boys and screaming from youngest who doesn't want to go to Dr's.

Eventually get boys out, carry youngest. Get to Dr's, have to carry youngest which is not so easy as i use a stick. Eldest took my hand to steady me without asking.  Love .

Youngest was ok, fluid on knee, went with ibuprofen.

Run up to Christmas always smooth in our house.

Friday 20 November 2020

What Makes You You? (Nov 2020)

So many things that I thought made me me are changing. Are changing or have changed.

I am a teacher. I was a teacher. I have just gone through ill health retirement. The sense of loss is massive. I have only ever taught. Only ever wanted to teach. I feel like part of my identity has gone. Part of me. 

I am going through applications for disability benefits. Spending time talking through things I have to deal with every day. All things I cannot do. Ways my body let's me down. This focusses on elements which I don't want to define me. Is this me now? 

I have moved house. I am now in a different area. Different school, different playground pick up. I struggle in, what do these other parents at pick up see from behind their masks? A new parent? A new parent with mobility issues who uses sticks.? A disabled mum who stumbles? All are correct. Only 1 comes close to me. The me that I want to be addressed. A new parent. But is that the first thing that's seen?

What makes me me? What did I bring with me to my new house, my new home? What did I leave behind? As my abilities decrease am I loosing what makes me me? What is the core of me? My essence. Me. 

#identity #disabity #mumwithms #future #whatmakesme